A call or an appointment requesting information or placing an order. If your site does not highlight these actions relegating them to a miserable contact us page it is hindering the visitor's conversion process. Self.referential site your users browse the web to satisfy their own needs. Having a self.referential site aimed at celebrating how good and beautiful you are will not bring any results. Non.mobile.friendly site the internet is now widely navigated via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets having a site that can be easily consulted from these devices is of fundamental importance. Check that your site is navigable and that the texts are readable.
Slow site the speed of a site negatively impacts both the user's visiting experience who will be frustrated by long waits to find what interests him and the indexing of the site on the search engine. I re.mend reading the core web vitals for seo optimization . These are just some of the Graphics Design Service problems that afflict a website and which often require redesigning it. Other times it is possible to carry out more targeted interventions a simple restyling that allows you to over.e some of the problems reported above.
Conclusions on how to redo the website first if you need to redo your website start from the goals you want to achieve. Building a site starting from your own sensations or putting together photographs taken at random from your hard drive and an old brochure will not lead to any results. It is clear that the objective to be achieved must be the pivot for defining the type structure contents and web strategy to be used. If you don't know where to start our web agency will be able to suggest the ideal solution ! In the meantime I re.mend reading . creating a website what to prepare . and downloading the free template for creating a website.