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Booking Bet - Betting Experience









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Booking Bet - Betting Experience
Alongside score-related betting forms, booking bet is also a noteworthy option in every football match. However, many bettors still express hesitation, lacking confidence to participate because they believe this type of bet relies too much on luck. To not miss out on opportunities, let's explore this fascinating form of betting with https://wintips.com/.
What is a booking bet?
Booking bet, or Total Bookings, is a supplementary form of betting applied by bookmakers in football matches. When participating, players don't necessarily need to understand too much about the technical aspects and the level of the two teams. Instead, the number of fouls that the referee gives to each player is the decisive factor.
Because it does not emphasize the technical aspect too much, and players do not need to be too knowledgeable about football, Total Bookings is very popular. It is considered an entertaining option alongside main bets like Asian Handicap, European Handicap, or Over/Under.
What booking bets are bookmakers currently offering?
Although it's just a supplementary bet, bookmakers pay a lot of attention to this form of betting. Participants can satisfy all entertainment and earning needs through various interesting forms such as:
Asian Booking Bet
Asian Booking Bet, also known as internet bookmaker, is applied by bookmakers when one team has a significantly higher probability of committing fouls than the opponent. It could be one or several players with a "rough" style or a team forced to play most actively to achieve results. The method of determining the result will be like a regular Asian Handicap bet, except that the number of goals is replaced by the number of bookings.
For example: Team A plays aggressively and physically larger, so they are favored in the booking handicap against Team B. The handicap level for bookings set by the bookmaker is 1 point (equivalent to 1 yellow card). Participants will have the following choices:
Back Team A (upper side): you win only if the players of this team receive more than 2 yellow cards compared to the opponent.
Back Team B (lower side): you win only if both teams receive the same number of cards or Team B receives more bookings.
In case Team A has exactly 1 more yellow card than Team B (1 point), the bet results in a draw, and the player's bet amount will be refunded in full.
Booking Over/Under Bet
In this form, bookmakers will predict the total number of bookings that both teams can receive throughout the entire match. Players will have the following options:
Back Over: if you believe that the match will receive more bookings than the number set by the bookmaker.
Back Under: if you think that the match will receive fewer bookings than the number provided by the bookmaker.
Another scenario is when the bookmaker accurately predicts the number of bookings; in this case, the bet will be a draw, and players will get back 100% of their bet amount.
First Booking Bet
This is a relatively simple form of booking bet, where players only need to choose which team will receive the first booking in the match. You don't need to pay attention to the number of fouls that the referee gives out; the bet will be settled as soon as the first card is shown.
Another similar form is predicting the last booking appearance in the match. Participants will anxiously await until the 90th minute to know if there will be additional bookings before determining the result.
Other types of booking bets
In addition to the popular booking bet forms mentioned above, players can also engage in extremely entertaining betting forms such as:
Betting on the exact number of bookings.
Total number of bookings separately for each team.
Predicting the color of the first card.
Betting on which player will receive a card.
Some notes when analyzing booking bets at w88
As a relatively simple form of betting, not requiring too much football knowledge or skills, players still need to understand the betting rules at w88 to participate safely and effectively. Accordingly, bookmakers only recognize and count results with cards that meet the following criteria:
Booking is understood to include both yellow and red cards, where a yellow card is equivalent to 1 point, and a red card is counted as 2 points.
During the entire match time, each player can receive a maximum of 4 booking points (equivalent to 2 yellow cards and 1 red card).
The bet only recognizes and counts points with cards given to players playing on the field. Penalties for coaches, assistant coaches, and substitute players will not be counted.
Applied to all cards issued by the main referee within 90 minutes of official playtime and injury time. In the event of extra time, there will be a new booking bet, which will not be accumulated with the previous amount.
Master the unbeatable tips for analyzing malaysia online betting sites bets


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