Country domains with a second meaning
You definitely won't go wrong with this in Germany. This extension usually has the highest click rates, even higher than .COM. Since the click rate is important for a good ranking today, I would always prefer the .DE version. We've already had domain moves where we didn't do anything other than turn the .COM into a .DE. This gave us an enormous ranking boost! My domain is occupied – what now? The disadvantage of .DE domains: Most of the good names are already taken. Many people then give up and choose another name.You can often buy domains quite easily and for relatively little money. To do this, it is usually Special Data enough to go to and enter the domain you want there. Many domains are just registered but have no content. In this case they then stand at Sedo and wait for a bid. Of course, there are the killer domains like, which are sold for several hundred thousand euros - but the normal case is a few hundred euros per domain. TO and .FM The ending .TO is probably familiar to many from various streaming platforms.
In fact, this is the country domain of Tonga, an island nation in the South Pacific. It was possible to register domains anonymously there very early on. In addition, the ending .TO has a second meaning because of the popular data called “torrent” at the time. Do you want to get fit in online marketing? With our newsletter you will automatically receive the latest Seocracy articles directly in your inbox! Click here for the registration form. Location of Tonga This is where the origin of the ending .TO lies – in Tonga The ending .